Episode 01: Why Is Creative Thinking Important For Business Right Now
In Episode 1, Jo introduces the new podcast, and explains how creative thinking is an important tool for business now more than ever.
Little-c creativity, as described by Edward de Bono, is “breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way”.
To that end, little-c creativity, or creative thinking, is focussed on creative thinking skills that allow us to come up with original ideas.
Those original ideas don't need to be a new product or service (although they often are).
- They could also be ways to improve a workflow, production line, or manufacturing process.
- They could be ways to describe what you do in a way that has impact in a crowded marketplace.
- They could be concepts, experiences, or approaches that are novel.
Creative thinking leads to innovation, which keeps you at the edge of your game.
Grab the 21 creative adventure prompts right here.
Read more on why creativity is a core competency for your biz here.
“You can’t expect to zig when everyone else is zagging if you are doing the same thing every day”